Saturday, September 01, 2007

SpyGirl2011 - My Caching Partner

When I first started geocaching, most of my finds were on my own. I basically only knew one person who cached but we only hunted one or two caches together. We worked together but there was never a real connection.

I finally convinced my family to make a Sunday run with me to the Dyersburg area for a family outing. Of course I also had an agenda of finding some caches and maybe getting some help. Our very first stop was at Stories in Stone. It was off Hwy 51 but not so much as it didn't warrant a quick stop. When I pulled up, Kendal (SpyGirl2011) hopped out of the truck and made her way into the cemetery. She wasn't really looking for a cache but was fascinated at the old Civil War graves ( American Civil War ). I explained what we were looking for and gave her the clue and she very quickly found her first cache. We took a couple of pictures and moved on to more sites and caches. As we left, she decided she would like her own Geocaching name and decided upon SpyGirl2011. I guess she thought it was kind of like a detective or spy game and that name was most appropriate. I want to relay a story about her that I posted in the GOWT Forums about favorite geocaching stories.

A few weeks back SpyGirl, my wife, and I went on a caching trip to Dyersburg. We wanted to stop along the way at the Alex Haley Museum and try to find Chicken George's gravesite as well as Bethlehem Cemetary/ Roots- Small Town USA Series . Unfortunately, there was a film crew at the museum and they waved us away, I guess fearing we would interfere or streak across their picture. We also tried in vain to find the cache near the grave site but I had neglected to read the logs and did not have the updated coordinates. My first DNF. We traveled on to Dyersburg find a few easy caches including Stories In Stone which was SpyGirl's first "official" find that she logged. When we arrived in Dyersburg proper, we decided to pick .the back of a parking lot in a tree line. There was no one around and SpyGirl said she wanted to do this on her own. It looked fairly straight forward and I agreed, reluctantly handing over the GPSr to her. I equate this to any man relinquishing control of the remote control, except this was much more serious. As SpyGirl exited the cachemobile, she stated, "Here goes the next Foxy Cleopatra." She stepped on to the grass next to the car and did the best "James Bond" type roll and shoot I have ever seen. As she came up in a crouch, she was posed much as you see Charlie's Angels, substituting their weapons with a Yellow and Black eTrex. Taking little "spy" steps across the grass, she soon had the cache in hand and "rolled" back to the car to sign the log. I have to admit I am prejudice about her behavior, but my wife and I were in tears of laughter. Here was my prim and proper 13 year old daughter doing rolls across the grass, crouching down to scout for muggles, holding the GPSr in one hand and the cache container in the other. I guess she was pleased with our reaction because still to this day, if the conditions are right, she will strike her pose and do her spy roll in preparation to setting out to find a cache.

Today, Volleyball is the love of her life and she made the Munford High School JV squad. She is constantly improving but I will talk about that at another time.

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